Event box

Do you write code in Python, R, or Julia and want to allow others to easily re-run your code? Binder lets you provide one-click access so anyone can re-run your code from their web browser.  Binder is combination of open source tools that work to make it easier to reproduce and reuse software. CaltechDATA is now a source of content for Binder, so you can preserve and make your software reusable at the same time.  See a demo!

In this workshop we'll go over how to prepare your software to run on Binder and preserve it in CaltechDATA.  If you're successful, you'll get a special Binder badge on your CaltechDATA software landing page.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Multimedia Conference Room (MCR) - SFL 328
Sherman Fairchild
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Tom Morrell